documentation > snmp
Monday, 7 May 2012 by
Bill Welliver
Returns the server version in a string. 2 : Server boot time
Returns the server time when caudium has boot in a ctime() string. 3 : Boot length
Returns the boot length in time ticks. 4 : Uptime in time ticks
Returns the uptime in time ticks. 5 : Total number of http requests
Returns the total number of http requests (in integer 64bits format), usefull for MRTGizing the usage of Caudium. 6 : Total bytes of data received
Returns the total bytes received in Caudium, usualy in http POST / GET requests. 7 : Total bytes of data sent
Returns the total bytes of data sent by Caudium. 8 : 5 minutes average of requests
Returns the 5 minutes average of requests received by Caudium. 9 : 5 minutes average of bytes received
Returns the 5 minutes average of bytes received by Caudium. 10 : 5 minutes average of bytes sent
Returns the 5 minutes average of bytes sent by Caudium.
If set to "1", Caudium will shutdown itself. 2 : Restart Caudium Server
If set to "1", Caudium will restart itself. 3 : Reload all configurations
If set to "1", Caudium will reload the configuration from disk.
The trap that is generated when the Anti-Block System (ABS) is engaged. Specific 2: Server Restarted
This trap is generated when the Caudium Webserver is restarted. Note that this is not generated when a server is shutdown. Specific 3: Server Shutdown
This trap is generated when the Caudium Webserver is shut down. Note that this is not generated when a server is restarted. Specific 4: Server Startup
This trap is generated when the Caudium Webserver starts up. Specific 5: Backtrace
Not currently generated. Varlist: enterprises.caudium.webserver.103.1 - string description of backtrace generated. Specific 6: Generic Trap
Not currently generated. Varlist: enterprises.caudium.webserver.103.2 - string description of trap.
Caudium SNMP Agent

Caudium 1.3 and greater ships with a SNMP agent. The MIB is currently under construction, but here are the currently implemented objects available by SNMP GET / SET / TRAP access. Our Webserver OIDs are based on enterprises.caudium.webserver OID (e.g. OID). Please note that currently, GET-NEXT is not supported in the Caudium SNMP agent.GET OIDs
All SNMP GET OIDs are under enterprise.caudium.webserver.100. 1 : Server VersionReturns the server version in a string. 2 : Server boot time
Returns the server time when caudium has boot in a ctime() string. 3 : Boot length
Returns the boot length in time ticks. 4 : Uptime in time ticks
Returns the uptime in time ticks. 5 : Total number of http requests
Returns the total number of http requests (in integer 64bits format), usefull for MRTGizing the usage of Caudium. 6 : Total bytes of data received
Returns the total bytes received in Caudium, usualy in http POST / GET requests. 7 : Total bytes of data sent
Returns the total bytes of data sent by Caudium. 8 : 5 minutes average of requests
Returns the 5 minutes average of requests received by Caudium. 9 : 5 minutes average of bytes received
Returns the 5 minutes average of bytes received by Caudium. 10 : 5 minutes average of bytes sent
Returns the 5 minutes average of bytes sent by Caudium.
All SNMP SET OIDs are under enterprise.caudium.webserver.101. Note that in order to use these SNMP SET OIDs, you must specify the originator in the CIF, otherwise, the request will be ignored. 11 : Shutdown CaudiumIf set to "1", Caudium will shutdown itself. 2 : Restart Caudium Server
If set to "1", Caudium will restart itself. 3 : Reload all configurations
If set to "1", Caudium will reload the configuration from disk.
All Caudium Webserver traps are sent with an OID of enterprises.caudium.webserver. Traps are sent using SNMPv1, and are of generic type 6. Specific 1: ABS EngagedThe trap that is generated when the Anti-Block System (ABS) is engaged. Specific 2: Server Restarted
This trap is generated when the Caudium Webserver is restarted. Note that this is not generated when a server is shutdown. Specific 3: Server Shutdown
This trap is generated when the Caudium Webserver is shut down. Note that this is not generated when a server is restarted. Specific 4: Server Startup
This trap is generated when the Caudium Webserver starts up. Specific 5: Backtrace
Not currently generated. Varlist: enterprises.caudium.webserver.103.1 - string description of backtrace generated. Specific 6: Generic Trap
Not currently generated. Varlist: enterprises.caudium.webserver.103.2 - string description of trap.
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